dates/concerts 2010:

19.12. -
composer- retreat of JOPO & Ingeborg Poffet in France for new compositions of exciting new music-projects
Art-video: "scenes from cryptochronics", music & visuals by Duo fatale, im Rahmen des Videokunstprojektes im öffentlichen Raum 20_minutes_of_attention @ Insel 3, Freiburg (artforum3)
Cryptochronics (Aladin) youtube-file
jan Art-video: "scenes from cryptochronics", music & visuals by Duo fatale, im Rahmen des Videokunstprojektes im öffentlichen Raum 20_minutes_of_attention @ Strasbourg
Cryptochronics (Atlantis) youtube-file
16.01. Che bella - A Cappella von Ingeborg Poffet an Privatanlass, Arlesheim
18.01. Schoch's Extrapost, Grundgesetz vs J. Hendrix, Thomas Schoch trumpet, horns, H.Lukas Lindenmeier dr, voc, theremin, JOPO reeds, elec, Ingeborg Poffet acco, voc, elec
E-Werk Freiburg, Reihe: freispiel, 20:30 h
I was on mars (von Dani Levi), Music by Niki Reiser, Ingeborg Poffet accordeon @ 45. Solothurner Filmtage, Retrospektive Niki Reiser
Geschichten, Ingeborg Poffet voc, e-piano, JOPO sax, Vernissage Basler Stadtbuch (Christoph Merian Verlag),
Basel, unter der Dreirosenbrücke 18:30 h (Unterer Rheinweg 168)

Maria ihm schmeckt's nicht (by Neele Leanda Vollmar), Music by Niki Reiser, Ingeborg Poffet accordeon @ 45. Solothurner Filmtage, Retrospektive Niki Reiser

studio-recording for David Klein, Ingeborg Poffet accordeon
ARTE 14:30 h, Alles auf Zucker! (by Dani Levy), Music by Niki Reiser, Ingeborg Poffet accordeon
ARTE 01:20 h, Alles auf Zucker! (by Dani Levy), Music by Niki Reiser, Ingeborg Poffet accordeon
22. -
Duo fatale, JOPO cl, ss, Ingeborg Poffet acco, voc, Festival Cracking Bamboo, as musical tutors (also Iwan Gunawan from Bandung) @ Workshop in Hanoi, Vietnam
23.03. Duo fatale, JOPO cl, ss, Ingeborg Poffet acco, voc, & Duo fatale meets Laia Sanmartin, Pantomime (Spane) @ Festival Cracking Bamboo, 2nd Opening concert at Goethe-Institut Hanoi, Vietnam

Duo fatale meets int. musicians, JOPO cl, ss, Ingeborg Poffet acco, voc, Ensemble Kyai Fatahilla (Indonesia), Laia Sanmartin, Pantomime (Spane), Percurama Copenhagen (Denmark), Ganesh Anandan (India), Qiao Jiu Jiu (China) Brian Ring (video, Vietnam) Festival Cracking Bamboo, concert at Opera (sold out), Hanoi, Vietnam
also playing: Murat Coskun, FreiburgerPercussion-Ensemble, Ensemble Kambodja, Vietnamese musicians, SISU Oslo (Norway), Young-Ja Bang Cho, vietnamese musicians, 4 musicians from Kambodia, 2 musicians from Mongolia, Pierre-Stéphane Meugé (F), Martin Groeneveld (NL), Fabrizio Rosso & Luca Congedo (Italy), Hand drum team Malaysia;

27.03. Duo fatale meets int. musicians, JOPO cl, ss, Ingeborg Poffet acco, voc, Ensemble Kyai Fatahilla (Indonesia), Laia Sanmartin, Pantomime (Spane), Percurama Copenhagen (Denmark), Ganesh Anandan (India), Qiao Jiu Jiu (China) Brian Ring (video, Vietnam) Festival Cracking Bamboo, concert at Opera (sold out), Hanoi, Vietnam
also playing: Murat Coskun, FreiburgerPercussion-Ensemble, Ensemble Kambodja, Vietnamese musicians, SISU Oslo (Norway), Young-Ja Bang Cho, vietnamese musicians, 4 musicians from Kambodia, 2 musicians from Mongolia, Pierre-Stéphane Meugé (F), Martin Groeneveld (NL), Fabrizio Rosso & Luca Congedo (Italy), Hand drum team Malaysia;
29. - 30.03. Duo fatale, JOPO cl, ss, Ingeborg Poffet acco, voc, and Iwan Gunawan Festival Cracking Bamboo, as musical tutors @ Workshop in Bandung, Java, Indonesia
30.03. JOPO & Ingeborg Poffet, concert, meeting & workshop, Duo fatale, Duo fatale meets Kyai Fatahilla, Duo fatale meets Kyai Fatahilla, Simon Rommel & Muezzin @ Durnsan Perdidikan Seni Musik FPBS, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Java, Indonesia
31.03. Duo fatale meets int. musicians, JOPO cl, ss, Ingeborg Poffet acco, voc, Ensemble Kyai Fatahilla (Indonesia), Laia Sanmartin, Pantomime (Spane), Percurama Copenhagen (Denmark), Ganesh Anandan (India), Qiao Jiu Jiu (China) Brian Ring (video, Vietnam) Festival Cracking Bamboo, concert at Bandung, Java, Indonesia
also playing: Murat Coskun, FreiburgerPercussion-Ensemble, Ensemble Kambodja, Vietnamese musicians, SISU Oslo (Norway), Young-Ja Bang Cho, vietnamese musicians, 4 musicians from Kambodia, 2 musicians from Mongolia, Pierre-Stéphane Meugé (F), Martin Groeneveld (NL), Fabrizio Rosso & Luca Congedo (Italy), Hand drum team Malaysia; 
2.04. Duo fatale, JOPO cl, ss, Ingeborg Poffet acco, voc, Festival Cracking Bamboo, as musical tutors @ Workshop in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
3.04. Duo fatale meets int. musicians, JOPO cl, ss, Ingeborg Poffet acco, voc, Ensemble Kyai Fatahilla (Indonesia), Laia Sanmartin, Pantomime (Spane), Percurama Copenhagen (Denmark), Ganesh Anandan (India), Qiao Jiu Jiu (China) Brian Ring (video, Vietnam) Festival Cracking Bamboo, concert @ Music Conservatory in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam 
also playing: Murat Coskun, FreiburgerPercussion-Ensemble, Ensemble Kambodja, Vietnamese musicians, SISU Oslo (Norway), Young-Ja Bang Cho, vietnamese musicians, 4 musicians from Kambodia, 2 musicians from Mongolia, Pierre-Stéphane Meugé (F), Martin Groeneveld (NL), Fabrizio Rosso & Luca Congedo (Italy), Hand drum team Malaysia;
SF ZWEI 02:35 h, Alles auf Zucker! (by Dani Levy), Music by Niki Reiser, Ingeborg Poffet accordeon
JOPO & Ingeborg Poffet musical research in Vietnam


extended stay of JOPO & Ingeborg Poffet in Vietnam due to the icelands vulcano activity
7.05. SAX-Party with students from JOPO @ Horst, Musikwerkstatt Basel, 18 h
15.05. House-Orchestra, Leitung JOPO & Roberto DosSantos, Privatanlass, Basel
04.06. House-Orchestra, Leitung JOPO & Roberto DosSantos, Karthäusersaal, Waisenhausareal, Basel, 20:30 h
10.06. House-Orchestra, Leitung JOPO & Roberto DosSantos, Thomas Platter-Schulhaus/Wettsteinschulhaus, Basel, ca. 18:30 h
25.06. Che bella - A Cappella von Ingeborg Poffet an Privatanlass, Dornach
26.06. Che bella - A Cappella von Ingeborg Poffet an Lörrach Singt, STIMMEN-Festival, 14:30 h Singnische Adlergässchen (vor Domino), 15:20 h Sing-Arkade bei Kilian (Durchgang Tumringer Str. Marktplatz), 16:00 h Uhren & Schmuck Turmstr. 21;
26.06. klingklong - sendung fuer improvisierte musik und neue klangwelten, improvisationen und performances verschiedenster art sind das arbeitsfeld von poffet&poffet aus der schweiz. anfang september 2009 waren ingeborg poffet und JOPO zusammen mit ralf kaupenjojann bei der hamburger konzertreihe #freitagsmusik# zu gast. in der sendung sind O-TÖNE, kommentare und geschichten von poffet&poffet zu hören, ebenso wie zahlreiche ausschnitte aus ihrer musik. #### mehr zur sendung #klingklong# unter: ### am studiomikrophon: sylvia necker ### FSK Hamburg, 23:00 - 1:00 h (livestream) (for Mac-User VLC-Player)

studio-recording in France with JOPO & Ingeborg Poffet & Thomas G. Schoch for dvd-production music-video-Art-project: opsonization

music-video-Art-project: opsonization, electro-acoustic-visually-3-d-surround-inspirations from the human body, music & visuals by Duo fatale, medical recordings by Dr. med. Daniel Müller; JOPO cl, bcl, saxes, elec,
Ingeborg Poffet acco, voc, dan bàu, elec, Thomas G. Schoch tp, fl-horn, elec
Basel: Unternehmen Mitte, Safe, 20:30 h, Reservationen hier & unter 061 / 361 56 70


music-video-Art-project: opsonization, electro-acoustic-visually-3-d-surround-inspirations from the human body, music & visuals by Duo fatale, medical recordings by Dr. med. Daniel Müller; JOPO cl, bcl, saxes, elec, Ingeborg Poffet acco, voc, dan bàu, elec, Thomas G. Schoch tp, fl-horn, elec
Basel: Unternehmen Mitte, Safe, 20:30 h, Reservationen hier & unter 061 / 361 56 70
music-video-Art-project: opsonization, electro-acoustic-visually-3-d-surround-inspirations from the human body, music & visuals by Duo fatale, medical recordings by Dr. med. Daniel Müller; JOPO cl, bcl, saxes, elec, Ingeborg Poffet acco, voc, dan bàu, elec, Thomas G. Schoch tp, fl-horn, elec
Basel: Unternehmen Mitte, Safe, 20:30 h, Reservationen hier & unter 061 / 361 56 70
music-video-Art-project: opsonization, electro-acoustic-visually-3-d-surround-inspirations from the human body, music & visuals by Duo fatale, medical recordings by Dr. med. Daniel Müller; JOPO cl, bcl, saxes, elec,
Ingeborg Poffet acco, voc, dan bàu, elec, Thomas G. Schoch tp, fl-horn, elec
Basel: Unternehmen Mitte, Safe,
17:00 h, Reservationen hier & unter 061 / 361 56 70
TV: 3sat20:15 h, Alles auf Zucker! (by Dani Levy), music by Niki Reiser, Ingeborg Poffet accordeon
music-video-Art-project: opsonization, electro-acoustic-visually-3-d-surround-inspirations from the human body, music & visuals by Duo fatale, medical recordings by Dr. med. Daniel Müller; JOPO cl, bcl, saxes, elec,
Ingeborg Poffet acco, voc, dan bàu, elec, Thomas G. Schoch tp, fl-horn, elec
Basel: Unternehmen Mitte, Safe, 20:30 h, AUSVERKAUFT
music-video-Art-project: opsonization, electro-acoustic-visually-3-d-surround-inspirations from the human body, music & visuals by Duo fatale, medical recordings by Dr. med. Daniel Müller; JOPO cl, bcl, saxes, elec, Ingeborg Poffet acco, voc, dan bàu, elec, Thomas G. Schoch tp, fl-horn, elec
Basel: Unternehmen Mitte, Safe, 20:30 h, Reservationen hier & unter 061 / 361 56 70
music-video-Art-project: opsonization, electro-acoustic-visually-3-d-surround-inspirations from the human body, music & visuals by Duo fatale, medical recordings by Dr. med. Daniel Müller; JOPO cl, bcl, saxes, elec, Ingeborg Poffet acco, voc, dan bàu, elec, Thomas G. Schoch tp, fl-horn, elec
Basel: Unternehmen Mitte, Safe, 20:30 h, Reservationen hier & unter 061 / 361 56 70
music-video-Art-project: opsonization, electro-acoustic-visually-3-d-surround-inspirations from the human body, music & visuals by Duo fatale, medical recordings by Dr. med. Daniel Müller; JOPO cl, bcl, saxes, elec, Ingeborg Poffet acco, voc, dan bàu,, elec, Thomas G. Schoch tp, fl-horn, elec
Basel: Unternehmen Mitte, Safe, 20:30 h, Reservationen hier & unter 061 / 361 56 70
music-video-Art-project: opsonization, electro-acoustic-visually-3-d-surround-inspirations from the human body, music & visuals by Duo fatale, medical recordings by Dr. med. Daniel Müller; JOPO cl, bcl, saxes, elec, Ingeborg Poffet acco, voc, dan bàu, elec, Thomas G. Schoch tp, fl-horn, elec
Basel: Unternehmen Mitte, Safe, 20:30 h, Reservationen hier & unter 061 / 361 56 70
music-video-Art-project: opsonization, electro-acoustic-visually-3-d-surround-inspirations from the human body, music & visuals by Duo fatale, medical recordings by Dr. med. Daniel Müller; JOPO cl, bcl, saxes, elec,
Ingeborg Poffet acco, voc,dan bàu, elec, Thomas G. Schoch tp, fl-horn, elec
Basel: Unternehmen Mitte, Safe, 20:30 h, Reservationen hier & unter 061 / 361 56 70
5.11. 3 Art-videos from
music-video-Art-project: Ghosttown
: Quiet Earth (4'), Space-Supernova (2') & 11machine (12'42'')
@ Film-Video-Tage Siselen, Galerie25, Siselen, CH, running-time: 12 h - 24 h
6.11. 3 Art-videos from
music-video-Art-project: Ghosttown
: Quiet Earth (4'), Space-Supernova (2') & 11machine (12'42'')
@ Film-Video-Tage Siselen, Galerie25, Siselen, CH, running-time: 12 h - 24 h
7.11. 3 Art-videos from
music-video-Art-project: Ghosttown
: Quiet Earth (4'), Space-Supernova (2') & 11machine (12'42'')
@ Film-Video-Tage Siselen, Galerie25, Siselen, CH, running-time: 12 h - 24 h
11.11. JOPO & some of his students @ Kischtlipreis, Waisenhausareal, Wettsteinplatz, Basel, 18 h
1.12. Filmmusic-Recording, Das Blaue vom Himmel, Regie: Hans Steinbichler, Produktion: ahoi Musikverlag, music by Niki Reiser, Ingeborg Poffet accordeon
4.12. music-video-Art-project: opsonization, electro-acoustic-visually-3-d-surround-inspirations from the human body, music & visuals by Duo fatale, medical recordings by Dr. med. Daniel Müller; JOPO cl, bcl, saxes, elec, Ingeborg Poffet acco, voc, dan bàu, elec, Thomas G. Schoch tp, fl-horn, elec
Reutlingen (D): Franz.K, 20:30 h
19.12. studio-recording for Roberto dos Santos "Majouba", JOPO saxophone

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